I planted broccoli and mustard greens just before a colder-than-seasonal stretch of cold nights (22 degrees overnight at end of March). At home where I planted them in raised beds and then covered with thin frost cloth, they are doing great, but in the goat field garden where we planted them and left them uncovered, the broccoli were pretty heavily damaged and may not make it.
Fortunately, more plants are going out into the gardens, since the plants that need to stay inside are multiplying into more and more space—I’ve put poppies, chamomile, leaf and head lettuces, sweet peas and calendula out into the garden so far.
I’ve been reading like crazy about succession planting and hoping to try for 2 successions of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants within the same summer season, plus thinking strategically about what veggies to get in and out in a short enough window to allow for the longer fall crops to go in this July.